"candidate expects 2arguments ..

Hey guys, new to c++ trying to get this code to work .. says candidate expects two arguments, 1 provided if you can skim over it.. thanks!

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main (void)

float fA1= 0;
float fA2= 0;

float fD1= 0;
float fD2= 0;

float fV1i= 0;
float fV2i= 0;

double dV1= 0;
double dV2=0;

cout << "Enter the acceleration, distance, and and velocity of 1st object in this order." << endl;
cin>> fA1;
cin>> fD1;
cin>> fV1i;

if (fD1 <0)

{ cout << "distance can't be negative" << endl;
return 1;

//2nd object
cout << "Great, enter the acceleration, distance, and and velocity of 2nd object, in this order." << endl;
cin>> fA2;
cin>> fD2;
cin>> fV2i;

if (fD2 <0)

{ cout << "distance can't be negative" << endl;
return 1;

dV1= (pow((pow(fV1i),2) + 2*fA1*fD1),.5);

dV2= (pow((pow(fV2i),2) + 2*fA2*fD2),.5);


if (dV1 > dV2)

{cout << "The first object has a greater velocity" << dV1 << endl;
if (dV1 < dV2)

{cout << "The second object has a greater velocity" << endl;

return 1;

if (dV1 == dV2)

{cout << "The 2 objects have an equal velocity " << endl;

return 1;

return 1;


return 0;
I don't see candidate anywhere in the code. Are you sure you get that error message from this code.

should be


same with the line below
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