
Dear All!
Excuse me, could anyone give me a hint how to draw a line using functions and get the next:

the line consists of a b, like:

how do I get that a is the percent of the whole line (a places +b places)?
Many thanks!
It is totally unclear what you want. What do you mean by saying "get the next"?
What do you mean by saying "the percent of the whole line"?
I need to write a line consisting of :



a certain procent of the letters (in the beginning) shoudl be a


now I have to wirte:
10% is a
20% is a etc.
You mean how to select randomly a percent for letters a?
No, I have to imput percent, for example 12% or 40 % and it has to replace b wiht a. The rest of the line stayx b. ...:roll!
Ask a user to enter a non-negative value between 0 and 100 inclusively.
How can I get to another line from a loop writing strings?
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