Average of values and same values

The instructions are to find the region with the lowest accidents.. my issue is what if there are entries with the same value. How do I get it to tell me there are more than one region with the lowest number?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int getNumAccidents();
void findLowest(int n, int s, int e, int w, int c);

int main()
// Safest Driving Area
cout << "Please enter the number of automobile accidents last year in north; ";
double north = getNumAccidents();
cout << "Please enter the number of automobile accidents last year in south; ";
double south = getNumAccidents();
cout << "Please enter the number of automobile accidents last year in east; ";
double east = getNumAccidents();
cout << "Please enter the number of automobile accidents last year in west; ";
double west = getNumAccidents();
cout << "Please enter the number of automobile accidents last year in central; ";
double central = getNumAccidents();

findLowest (north, south, east, west, central);

return 0;

int getNumAccidents()
int num;
cin >> num;
for (;num<0;)
cout << "Do not accept an accident number that is less than 0.\n "Please enter again: ";
cin >> num;
return num;
void findLowest(int n, int s, int e, int w, int c)
if (n<s && n<e && n<w && n<c)
cout << "North had the fewest reported automobile accidents last year for " <<n<<endl;
if (s<n && s<e && s<w && s<c)
cout << "South had the fewest reported automobile accidents last year for " <<s<<endl;
if (e<s && e<n && e<w && e<c)
cout << "East had the fewest reported automobile accidents last year for " <<e<<endl;
if (w<s && w<e && w<n && w<c)
cout << "West had the fewest reported automobile accidents last year for " <<w<<endl;
if (c<s && c<e && c<n && c<w)
cout << "Central had the fewest reported automobile accidents last year for " <<c<<endl;
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