Error finding

i had to do a simple program that takes the user char input and makes it backwords. i basically have it but it prints out these other charatures before it.

heres the code

using namespace std;

int main ()
char word [20];
cout<<"Enter a word and I will print it out backwards :D"<<endl;

for(int i=20;i>=0;i--)
return 0;

It displays the extra characters because the array size is 20. so apart from the user input it will pad with some characters in the front.

Try this...use string


using namespace std;

int main ()
string word;
cout<<"Enter a word and I will print it out backwards :D"<<endl;
getline(cin, word);

for(int i=word.size()-1;i>=0;i--)

return 0;
You didn't consider that your word might not use the full array.
Include <string.h> and change your loop for
for( int i = strlen(word)-1; i>= 0; i++ )
    cout << word[i];
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