I am workign on a hw for my class and can't get it done!

1) Create a file of charge card purchases, called ‘CustomerPurchases’.
Use 5 different charge card numbers, each with 6 different purchases.
(Total 30 well formatted records/lines of data)

Use the following for the record layout:
Account Number, First Name, Last name, Item Name, Cost, Item Description, and Quantity
(Note: Records are comma separated fields)
Example: 1001, Joe, Smith, TV, 1500.00, 51’’ Sony Plasma HD, 1
2) Read in the file into the following:
Create a structure for purchases, as defined above, called ‘purchase’
Create an ‘array’ of pointers, of the purchases structure type, called ‘Customers’.
Note: ‘Customers’ is an array of pointers, not a pointer variable to an array.
3) Read in the purchases file into the customer array, each member in the array is a different customer, each customer member has a sprouting linked List of purchases.
NOTE: Each element of the array can have its own linked list hanging from it.

I am currently on question 3 and what are the steps that I would need to take in order to achieve that? I am very beginner.
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