Problem with using strings

Hello. I am currently writing code for a text based game and for some reason when I type in to display a certain variable (string MeleeWeapon) it just puts a space instead. Below is the code involved. I just started using strings and arrays so if there is a problem with any of them please tell me.

[code] int TotalHp = 15;
int RatHp[3] = { 5, 5, 6};
int MeleeWeaponDamage = 5;
string MeleeWeaponArray[2] = { "fists", "iron shortsword" };
int CombatHp = TotalHp;
string MeleeWeapon;

cout << "\nDo you take the iron shortsword as your new melee weapon? y/n: ";
char TakeNewWeapon = ' ';
cin >> TakeNewWeapon;

while((TakeNewWeapon != 'y') && (TakeNewWeapon != 'n'))
cout <<"Your input is invalid. Please type y for yes or n for no: ";
cin >> TakeNewWeapon;

if(TakeNewWeapon == 'y')
MeleeWeapon = MeleeWeaponArray[2];
MeleeWeaponDamage = 7;
cout << "Your new weapon is an iron shortsword that does 7 damage.";

cout <<"You leave the iron shortsword where it is.";

cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\nYOU HAVE BEGUN AN ENCOUNTER BETWEEN 3 RATS 2 WITH " << RatHp[1];
cout << “HP AND 1 WITH 6 HP\nYOU CURRENTLY HAVE " << CombatHp <<"HP.";
cout << "\n\nYour weapon is "<< MeleeWeapon << " and deals a maximum damage of " << MeleeWeaponDamage << " damage\n";
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replace the && with || in the while loop
when i do this and input 'y' or 'n' it says input invalid. Also what does || mean
nevermind i found the error. Because arrays start with 0 it should be

MeleeWeapon = MeleeWeaponArray[1]
&& was correct. || is the logical or.

valid indices for MeleeWeaponArray are 0 to 1. 2 is not a valid index, so when you do:

MeleeWeapon = MeleeWeaponArray[2]; you are accessing memory that is out of bounds.
... i know what || is. once in the loop lets say you put in 'y'
the condition (expanded to the value of the variable instead of the variable itself) becomes
while(('y' != 'y' /*this would break it since its ==but...*/) && ('y' != 'n' /*y != n so its going yo loop again*/))
while(('y' != 'y' /*this would break it since its ==but...*/) && ('y' != 'n' /*y != n so its going yo loop again*/))
Do you actually understand the difference between AND and OR?
(false && x) == false
(false || x) == x

If x == 'y', then it's false that x is different from both 'y' and 'n', since it is equal to one of them.
yes i do. you know what fine. its not that important to me. but dont come posting back when you accidentally enter 'm' and find your self in an infinite loop
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