Help please...

My code so far -->

I would like to know how well I'm going along with the program and help where I have questions in comments.

The program is suppose to allow to read in an English-French Dictionary. Data is taken from a stored file. English words are moved until sorted alphabetically and the corresponding French words are moved along with it. After it's sorted the user can look up an English word and the french equivalent is printed.

prototypes being used are:
int read_in(string e[][word_length], string f[][word_length]);
void sort_words(string e[][word_length], string f[][word_length], const int used);
void search_words(const string e[][word_length], const string f[][word_length], const int used);
void write_out(const string e[][word_length], const string f[][word_length], const int used);

Thank you in advance for any help provided.

Edit: The part were I have to open file, read what's inside, and then close it is wrong. Goes to the error part of the code. I'm at my wits here and I'm officially lost I have no idea of what I'm doing. Help me please... Can you explain in Layman's term because this is complex and not easy to grasp at all for me.
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