Library management program

you can not use libraries, classes, structures and can use only if,if-else,for,do-while,switch,function passing by references or values,one D arrays or 2-d arrays and file handling.
please i need it urgent.

Library Management System
Write a Library Management System program for a University.
Detailed Description:
A Library Management System is used to manage book in a library. Your task is to write a program that allows a librarian to manage the books.
For this system you will need to make the following files:
1. Librarians.txt
2. Books.txt
The structure of the Librarians.txt file would be as follows:
Librarian UserName
Librarian Password
The structure of the Books.txt file would be as follows:
BookID (Unique Number)
Test title
XYZ Company

The program will ask the Librarian to Log into the system by providing a UserName and a Password. After the Librarian logs in successfully he will be given a menu where he can:
1. Add Book
2. Update Book
3. Delete Book
4. Search for Book
5. Display All Books
6. Log out
Add Book:
The AddBook() function will allow the Librarian to Add a new Book Record in the Books.txt file.
Update Book:
The UpdateBook() function will allow the Librarian to Update a Book Record in the Books.txt file.
Delete Book:
The DelBook() function will allow the Librarian to Delete a Book Record in the Books.txt file.
Search for Book:
The BookSearch() function will allow the Librarian to Search for a Book Record in the Books.txt file by using the Book Enrollment No.
Display All Books:
The DisplayAll() function will display all the records in the Books.txt file in the following format:
Book ID ISBN No. Title Author Genre Publisher Year

Log Out:
The LogOut() function will log the Librarian out of the system and show the Enter UserName and Password screen again.
Note: The Books.txt file will be empty at the start of the program.
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Sorry I missed the question, else you want someone to write this which I think is your responsibility.
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