I don't know why my program is constantly crashing...

EDIT: Problem solved! Thanks!
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Mine crashes @line 52 when the program tries to divide by zero.

Since it's in my computer...

Remove the #include <cstdlib>

Add: #include <iomanip> and you will get better formatting options:
outfile << right << setw(14) << i << setw(22) << batches[i] << setw(18) << chocolates[i] << endl;
outfile << right << setw(14) << n << setw(32) << averages[n] << endl;

"right" right justifies the text, setw(n) gives the text that much space to be written. Tabs are trouble with differing length outputs
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I just checked the entire data file and I don't see a 13 in the first column so that's probably the problem...

I guess the best way to fix this would be to just put a check if batches ever == 0 then continue with the loop from the start?

EDIT: How did you know it was trying to divide by zero? Did you just carefully examine the code or did you use some debugger?

EDIT#2: I set a check for batches[i] == 0 and it works fine now... Thanks for the help

Also... the reason I included <cstdlib> is because I use the exit(0) function if the program fails to open the data file. If I remove that, exit(0); won't work. Is their another way to shut down the program if the data file does not open?
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Is there some reason you had to delete your code from the original post?
How did you know it was trying to divide by zero? Did you just carefully examine the code or did you use some debugger?

The VS run did the trick. It knows the cause of many runtime errors, and that was it.
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