Constructors are kicking me in the rear!

Pages: 123
Yeah, I'll need it. I know it can't be as simple as just replacing that one line of code in the private section. I'm gonna have to go through and find all references of people and MAXADDRESS and see how everything would be effected. I'm guessing I can incorporate people and MAXADDRESS into the vector somehow, but I have to learn the syntax and how vector is used first. Fortunately, my teacher is on our campus today, (we have 4 separate campuses), so I'll be asking him for some help in explaining it all.
OK, I've decided that this is not easy at all!

I figured out how to replace the PERSON people[MAX] with the vector, but there is sooooo much more to be done. I'm going to be at this all night and see what I can get, but wow, theres a decent amount of the program that has to be tweaked to get this to work.
Pretty sure I have the vector worked out now. Wasn't as mind boggling as I had first thought it would be. Now I just have to figure out how to use the bubbleSort. That one's got me flummoxed. I'm gonna start up a new thread. I have the code for the sorter, I just don't understand how to incorporate it.
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Pages: 123