Debugging a function with arrays

Hello everyone, I'm working on debugging some code (this is a homework question, but I only want to be guided in the right direction) and I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing, as there isn't much info to go on. Here's the original code.

// Debug 4-3
// Function displays course information
// instructor defaults to Staff
// enrollment defualts to 30

void main()
void displayCourseInfo(char instructor[] = "Staff", int enrollment = 30, char course[]);
displayCourseInfo("Bossert", "PSY151");
displayCourseInfo("Dykeman", 24, "CIS200");


void displayCourseInfo(char course[], char instructor[], int enrollment)
cout<<course<<" taught by "<<instructor<<" enrollment "<<enrollment<<endl;

The original code is in C format i believe, but I'm supposed to fix up the code and make it work in C++. Here's what I've managed so far:

// Debug 4-3
// Function displays course information
// instructor defaults to Staff
// enrollment defaults to 30
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

void displayCourseInfo(char course[], char instructor[], int enrollment)
cout<<course<<" taught by "<<instructor<<" enrollment "<<enrollment<<endl;

int main()
displayCourseInfo(char course[], char instructor[] = "Staff", int enrollment = 30);
displayCourseInfo("PSY151", "Bossert");
displayCourseInfo("CIS200", "Dykeman", 24);
return 0;

I'm at a loss as to how the program is actually supposed to display the course information. All I have to go on are the comments at the top of the program. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
consider 2 approaches
#1, comment out everything that doesn't work and add in one line at a time until you get a working code.

Here is what I would do.
Forget about debugging this code for a minute. It's very small, so should take you no time to re-write. Think about getting the data from main() and passing it to this function. Use it as a guideline.

I would start

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