three-dim arrays

im supposed to make a three dimensional array using the conditions of cars, the models, and the years, would it be char?
or would it just be float?
depends on what u need.

Do u need to to arithmetic manipulations to the data? or do u need alphabetical numbers more? Think about it.

You might need to compare conditions of the car, compare the years etc, so its more convenient to do it in float. But your model might need to encompass character data, which is a pain to implement in float.

So i suggest to implement the whole 3-D array in char. There's always the function "atof ()" to help you. What is atof? do a search =)
its a program replacing the hardcopy of the Kelly Green Book of car values, idk if you know what that is, but im pretty sure its char, i just wanted to see some input, thanks=)
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