Please help!

Hello all,
I'm very new to programming, and I am trying to just get through the first tutorial. The tutorial explains everything but where to put the code! I am using microsoft visual studios 2010 express. It's very confusing for my first time, because I don't know what template to use. Is it windows form application, or class library? Can someone please help me out, I'm very interested in learning code, I just don't know how to even start (what template to use and etc..)
Thanks for your time.
Alright ill see if i can explain it in steps...

step 1:Click on 'File' (top left corner)
step 2: Now click on 'New' and start a new project.
step 3:If you're just starting out click on 'win32 console application'
step 4:After you've named your project click on 'ok'
step 5:Now it'll bring you to the application wizard, click 'next'
step 6:You should be at the application settings now, check off the
'empty project' box.
step 7:Now just click finish.
step 8:You are going to need to insert a script to actually write code on so now click on 'Project', its somewhat at the top near the middle.
step 9:Click 'Add new item...'
step 10: Now all you have to do is click 'C++ File (.cpp)'
step 11: Look at some tutorials now and start practicing, good luck :)
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