university grade c++ program using condtion operator only

i want to make a c++ program in which we can only use if and else if and else to calculate GPA of students
i was thinking that string is going to be use and i want to know is there any way i can use string like this
string str1;
str1="A grade";
if (a=>85)

i just want to find out how to do this i mean if a satisfy the condition then he safe a string value in it

output should be like this

S.#	Subject	      Obt Marks	Per (%)	Grade  GPA         Remarks
1	Programming 	87      87	 A      4           Excellent
2	Calculus        82	82	 A-     3.75	    Very Good
3	English         76	76	 B+     3.50	    Good
4	Computing       70	70	 B       3.0	    Satisfactory

	                       GPA: 3.59	

obt marks= obtained marks
per= percentage

S.# Percentage (%) Grade GPA Remarks
1 85-100 A 4 Excellent
2 80-84 A- 3.75 Very Good
3 75-79 B+ 3.50 Good
4 70-74 B 3.0 Satisfactory
5 65-69 C+ 2.50 Above Average
6 60-64 C 2.0 Average
7 55-59 D+ 1.50 Pass
8 50-54 D 1.0 Just Pass
9 Below 50 F 0 Fail
Looking at this code

string str1;
str1="A grade";
if (a=>85)

it is clear that a and str1 have different types and may not be assigned each other except the case when 'a' has a user-defined type.
You might want to use a map.
check out this example:

In fact, that example used a map with an int and a string, which I think is exactly what you want.

Your purpose is to calculate the GPA and not the grade. Hence you should use float instead of string. For instance if NUM_SUBJECTS is the number of subjects you can do something like:
for (int i = 0; i<NUM_SUBJECTS; i++) {
  if (Percentage[i] > 85)   // Percentage[i] contains percent marks obtained in 'i'th subject.
     GPA[i] = 4;
  else if .....  // similarly for other conditions
/* after filling up the GPA array, i think you will also need to calculate the final GPA. 
For this you will have to again loop through each element and calculate it as per the rules. 
(a weighted average maybe)*/
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can any one make the program for me i know its big but any please?
is there any way i can get a+ if user enter 85 then any variable safe a+ but not print it on screen later i want to print it so in the end i can get the table form answer for user i have to safe all the data in different variable and then in the last it all have to be print on screen
Sure ill do it, do you have paypal?
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