Basic Text File Line Counter

void lineNum(string fileName, ifstream& myFile)
int lineNum=0;
char ch=0;

while (!myFile.eof())
myFile.get (ch);
cout << "Excellent! The number of lines in " << fileName << "is ---> ";
cout << lineNum << endl;

My question is a concern within this function. The program runs, and keeps returning +1 lines than there are in the text file. I noticed within the file, the cursor when at EOF is on a new line without text.

giughreuig rgiuhrgh (\n)
ergj rueighre e guhegu (\n)
rvgfrfeff gfuf f gfufuf (\n)

rather than

giughreuig rgiuhrgh (\n)
ergj rueighre e guhegu (\n)
rvgfrfeff gfuf f gfufuf (\n)EOF

I don't feel right doing a lineNum-- at the end of the code.
Any suggestions???
'\n' means you are going to new line. If you want behavior like in second example, delete newline here: rvgfrfeff gfuf f gfufuf EOF
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