fstream functions

Hello, I'm having trouble understanding fstream functions and I have to use it to complete this program. I have to read information from a txt file:
Martin 22
Austin 18
Daniel 19
Marggie 23
Tyler 16
then output the names and ages in a table, determine and display the names of teenagers (13-19), take the average of the ages, and output the names of those above average. I think all of my functions are correct except for the ReadData one. Some help and clarification on fstream functions would be appreciated!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void ReadData(string name[], int age[]);
void DisplayData(string name[], int age[]);
void DisplayTeen (string name[], int age []);
float FindAve (int age[]);
void DisplayAboveAve( string name[], int age[]);

int main()
//Declares identifiers
const int N=5;
string Name[N];
int Age[N];

//Reads data from text file
ReadData (Name, Age);
//Outputs data from text file
cout<<"This is the name and age of all students";
DisplayData (Name, Age);

//Displays the names of teenagers
cout<<"This is the name of all teenagers.";
DisplayTeen (Name, Age);

//Finds average of ages
cout<<"The average of all students is ";
float Average=FindAve(Age);

//Displays the names of students with ages above average
cout<<"This is the name of all students whose age is above average";
DisplayAboveAve (Name, Age);

return 0;

//Name ReadData
//Purpose Reads data into file Name.txt
void ReadData(string name[], int age[])
ifstream F;
for (int n=0; n<5; ++n)
F>> name[n];
F>> age[n];

//Name DisplayData
//Purpose Displays data from file Name.txt
void DisplayData(string name[], int age[])
for (int n=0; n<5; ++n)
cout<< name[n];
cout<< age[n];

//Name DisplayTeen
//Purpose Dispays the names of teenagers
void DisplayTeen (string name[], int age[])
for ( int n=0; n<5; ++n)
if ( age[n]>=13 || age[n]<= 19)
cout<< name[n];

//Name FindAve
//Purpose Finds average of the ages
float FindAve (int age[])
float average;
int total=0;

for (int n=0; n<5; ++n)
total+= age[n];

return average= total/5.0;

//Name DisplayAboveAve
//Purpose Displays the name of students whose age is above average
void DisplayAboveAve( string name[], int age[], float Average)
for (int n=0; n<5; ++n)
if ( age[n]>=Average)
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