Beginners - March 2020 (Page 4)

Morgage code will not work!
Soo, I am not good at this. I keep starting over and now its a mess. I do not understand why when I ask for the principal amount it allows two responses. And th...
[8 replies] Last: Make one loop work first, then add a second and third loop when you un... (by salem c)
replace object Pixel Map from the package Qt in package Wt
Hi, I would like to replace object Pixel Map from the package Qt in package Wt. What can I replace it with? Additionaly, can anything replace QLabel in Wt pac...
[1 reply] : Have you thought of RTFM, like say starting here? https://www.webtoolk... (by salem c)
isfinite() error
If I try using isfinite() in my code anywhere i get an error saying C2668 'fpclassify': ambiguous call to overloaded function. I'm using visual studio. How co...
[11 replies] Last: not as much a bug as a different interpretation of the standard Okay... (by mbozzi)
URGENT (1,2)
guys i´m doing a school work but this code have some mistake that i cant find pls help me (dont mind the phrases is Portugues) #include <iostream> ...
[22 replies] Last: Hello joao2002, When I started working on the if statement for 1 I di... (by Handy Andy)
How can i turn a list of numbers separated by a newline into an array?
So I have a list of numbers in a .txt file where each number is on a new line, like this: 1 2 3 4 5 etc. I want to turn that list of numbers in...
[1 reply] : Hello CP1 B1 GH1 432, It really does not matter if the numbers are on... (by Handy Andy)
by Majeek
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "private: static class
Ive been trying to understand how to resolve this issue and I just cant wrap my head around it. Notes: Creating bunny objects so they have a name,age,gender,col...
[3 replies] Last: // Add this to uuid.cpp std::vector<Uuid> Uuid::uuid_list; // Add th... (by Majeek)
Not getting the whole loop to finish
First of all, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be posted in the beginner forum because as a beginner myself I do not fully understand the whole coding as mos...
[14 replies] Last: So after everyone's help, this is my corrected coding, doesn't show an... (by kbklpl21)
newbie question (time frame) 4hrs (1,2)
They designed a sticker set consisting of stickers and provided a level of happiness for each sticker. the sticker sends happiness and Adds to the happine...
[27 replies] Last: I'm pretty certain these online code challenges are not intended for n... (by jonnin)
by Bopaki
Converting a decimal number to a binary number
I am getting the correct binary number as output /* Summary: Converts decimal number which is base 10 number system 0-9 to binary which is base 2 numbe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks last chance. After removing that line I got the correct output (by Bopaki)
Time Limit Exceeded (1,2)
hey i keep getting "Time Limit Exceeded"(it needs to be 0.5 sec) on this code can someone help me with this . (and improve it if u dont mind ty ) Compiled...
[28 replies] Last: hell yeah it did 100% nj (by John3682)
Need a little help
I was wondering if i could have someone look over my code and see if i did anything wrong. I'm doing a HW assignment where the user enters a sequence of letters...
[1 reply] : Not wrong per se, but there is no need for string x; to be a global ... (by Ganado)
by selot
adobe indesign
Hello everybody. Can Indesign be used for graphical purposes in conjunction with c++ and codeblocks? In that case, how do I link it? Greetings selot
[no replies]
well thanks a lot B
well thanks a lot B
[4 replies] Last: [quote=victor1599]well thanks a lot B Cry me a river, faggot. (by dutch)
I need help
I'm really struggling on my C++ level 2 class since the assignment builds off of each other i was doing fine up until my last 4 assignments and right now I'm st...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah thats what I mean by build off each other so Imma have to try sum... (by LaminarFlow)
Using fstreams
Hi I'm having a huge problem with my code and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm using fstreams to open a data file and using it to calculate some values bu...
[2 replies] Last: Hello lorenzamaryan, In addition to what ne555 has said I see a cou... (by Handy Andy)
Once again no data from file
So I rewrited my code and suddenly same problem occured. source code : About problem : I e...
[3 replies] Last: Hello electro amperkin, I have to ask on line 28 you define the file ... (by Handy Andy)
What file to give a friend for testing
I am running Visual Studio. Iwan to send someone to try a simple program. I do not want to send him the "Source File". " In other compiler program; I used to ...
[12 replies] Last: The installer puts the VS runtime DLLs in a location Windows can find ... (by George P)
[no replies]
Dynamically Allocating an array of structures (1,2,3)
I am working on a program where I can select how many students I can enter data for, I am not familiar with vectors and am new when it comes to dynamic arrays w...
[54 replies] Last: I got it to work the way it should :) (by Depressed)
Function won't return varaible from while loop
Hi. I am very new to c++ but have some coding experience. As an exercise I tried to make a function that would use an enum variable to return an integer that co...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again Andy. And thank you for taking the time to answer a quest... (by GeorgeSDG)
March 2020 Pages: 123456... 14
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