Working with strings

Suppose we had a particular site is sending only random variables via url, but before sending Random sends an identifier known to another url.

stringA-ptr id0, id1
stringB-vtr id0, id2, id3, idx

stringA hands me two variables id0 and id1, id1 I know that is the same for the same url which is id0 Random long

stringB gives me the same id0 the stringA and other variables id2, id3, idx

need to create an index that captures the id0 and id1 stringA and whenever you meet id0 stringB references in other values​​, id2, id3, id1 idx with the stringA, but if there is another call to the same stringA id1, should the id0 be updated.

if (path == "site/me/urlA") {
string id0urlA = getValue(requestUrl, "ids0");
string id1 = getValue(requestUrl, "ids1");

if (path == "site/me/urlB") {
string id0urlB = getValue(requestUrl, "ids0");
//no exists id1 on this url, but need reference ids0
string id2 = getValue(requestUrl, "ids2");
string id3 = getValue(requestUrl, "ids3");
string id4 = getValue(requestUrl, "ids4");

if (id0urlA == id0urlB) {
id2 = id2 + id1;
id3 = id3 + id1;

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