Is null and space are same?

Is there difference between '\n' and space?
If there is difference that what symbol is used for space?
'\n' is a line feed; basically an enter.
' ' is a space and represents...well, a space. The character used to separate words, etc.
\n is not null; it is the newline character, i.e. it brings the cursor to the next line.

And yes, \n and space are represented by different ASCII and Unicode numbers. I believe \n is 10 (0x0A) and space is 32 (0x20).

FYI, there are three common types of null in C++:
'\0' - The null-terminating character often used in C-strings and string objects. The ASCII value of '\0' is 0.
NULL - A macro that represents 0 for special cases. Before C++11, NULL was used for nullifying pointers.
nullptr - A new nullifier introduced in C++11 specifically for pointers. It is of type nullptr_t.
As already said, \n is not null, but a line feed(new line character) mostly for linux systems whiles \r\n is its windows equivalent.

closed account (zb0S216C)

Note that '\n' is used as the line feed when writing to the console/terminal on all platforms. The platform specific '\n' (*nix/OS-X) vs "\r\n" (DOS/Windows) vs '\r' (pre-OS X Macs) are only relevant when writing to file, or when setting multi-line text in Win32 controls (e.g. Edit control).

Also, when coding for windows, an ofstream opened for text will usually automatically map '\n' to "\r\n" for you when you write a file. And ifstream provides the reverse mapping. So you only need to worry about the "\r\n" if you're treating a text file as binary. (Of course, if you want to write a *nix compatible text file, you need to disable this mapping.)


PS '\t' (the tab char -- ascii 9) also displays as spaces. And isspace('\t') evaluates as true.
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