Need help Asap

ok this is the question or problem:3. a. The Last National Bank has two branches, each of which uses a sequential
file containing a summary of customers’ checking accounts in the
following form:
AccountNumber(Integer), CustomerName(String), Balance(Float)
The files, which are called account1 and account2, are ordered by
account number in increasing order. (Assume that no two account numbers
are the same.) Due to financial reverses, one of the branches must
be closed, and the two files need to be merged into a single one called
account3. Write a program to perform this operation.

This is my PseudoCode:

Declare account number as integer
Declare customer name as string
Declare balance as real
Open File ACCOUNT1
Open File ACCOUNT2
Create and Open File ACCOUNT3
Read account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT1
Read account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT2
WHILE ACCOUNT1 and ACCOUNT2 is not completed
IF account number from ACCOUNT1< account number from ACCOUNT2 and ACCOUNT1 is not completed
Write account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT1 to ACCOUNT3
Read account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT 1
Write account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT2 to ACCOUNT3
IF ACCOUNT 2 is not finished
Read account number, customer name and balance from ACCOUNT2
Write the last read account number, customer name and balance to ACCOUNT3

Is this correct or is there something miss or something I should change
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