operator overloading ++

operator overloading for ++ postfix is:

operator++(int x)

eventhough we r not passing int arg "Obj++" how is the post incriment invoked..?

I'm not sure what you mean by asking how it is invoked, but you have a dummy argument to differentiate the signature for postfix from prefix increment.
i mean if der is a class defined which have a operator overloading for preincriment and post incriment

class Incrment
int count;
Incrment operator++()
cout<<"insid++: "<<endl;
return *this;

Incrment operator++(int x)
cout<<"in agr++: "<<x<<endl; //value of x printed as 0 though we r not
this->count++; //passing any value
return *this;


Incrment I;

++I;//will call fun with out overloading

I++;//will call func with overloading here we r not passing any arg;

when only "Incrment operator++();" is declared if i try I++ i ll get a error and same error is observd wen ++I is called with only "Incrment operator++(int x)"

how will it recognize when to call "operator++();" or "operator++(int x)" as we r not passing any arg for ++I or I++.

is the prototype of the pre and post increment operator overloading predefined in the compiler.

I don't understand how you're confused, you just explained how it works.
Like Zhuge said it's a dummy value. It's not used in the body of the operator overload, it's just to make a difference between pre- and postfix.

how will it recognize when to call "operator++();" or "operator++(int x)" as we r not passing any arg for ++I or I++.

In the case of ++I, the compiler knows it has to call operator++(), for I++ it calls operator++(int).
here is the reason for my confusion i am thinking(not sure) that for post incriment the agument intx x is a default agrument i.e:

Incrment operator++();//for preincriment

Incrment operator++(int x=0);//post incriment

This is not a normal condition to exist:
void show();
void show(int x=0);
this throws an error

even if it exists there is a ambiguty situation when function is called with no argument.
It's a special corner case in C++, you can't honestly expect a 100% perfect language, can you?
for post incriment the agument intx x is a default agrument

It isn't:
x.operator++(); // calls pre-increment
x.operator++(42); // calls post-increment 

x++ is just compiled as x.operator++(0)
There is such a book as "The Design and Evolution of C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup (the only book of Stroustrup that I advice to read) where he described the history of introducing the syntax for prefix and postfix decrement and increment operators.
At first in C++ there is no difference of postfix and prefix operators. Usually they were defined as

class A
   void operator ++();

So these statements were equivalent

A a;

To distinguish postfix and prefix operators it was suggested the following syntax

class A
   A & operator prefix++();
   A operator postfix++();

But it required to introduce two new keywords.

Another alternative was

class A
   A & ++operator ();
   A operator++();

At last it was decided to use an additional dummy parameter for the postfix operator. So when the compiler sees code something as


it would know that it has to substitute it to

A operator ++( int );

So when the compiler sees an expression like

it knows that it must substitute it for

A & operator ++();

and when it sees an expression like


it knows that it must use

A operator ++( int );

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Thank u very much guys..!!
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