NO File, but still a buffer... how?

OK, my challenge is basically this - read a file from a SCSI device through the device manufacturers .dll (got that part, I think - using malloc into a byte array), and then, rather than writing it out to a tempfile and using fseek to step through the file to pull out what I actually need, just hold it in memory (in a byte array, I am assuming?) and go through it and find the correct offsets etc. to load the data - which is only a very small part of the actual file.

My question is: HOW? As you can see by my "name" I am more used to Java and very new to C++, so this is beyond me at the moment.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Also, you'll need to get the file size, which can be done with seekg() and tellg().

Remember that the file size limit for 32-bit C++ libraries is 2^31-1 bytes (2 GiB-1 byte).
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