linking error on MinGW

hi all!
i want to write a game engine with MinGW and Code::blocks ide
this is my project's source code
what is the problem?
this is the build log
i can't code it here
because it's two large to add the characters!
thanks a lot
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That error is usually produced by compiling different libraries involved with different compilers/versions/build options.
how can i fix it?
what command should i give in linker in order to fix that?
Your problem is that you're linking to advapi32.lib which is compiled for MSVS. You should be linking to libadvapi32.a which comes with MingW.
these errors fixed but 3 errors now dont let me to link my program
i upload the build log again
3 errors about wxWidgets
now what is the problem?
i linked it with minGW libraries!
all of them are corrected but 3 errors about wxWidgets dont let me to link and run
All I see is the same log file as from before. Could you try uploading it one more time?
Are you sure you should be linking these?
 -lmsvcrt -lmsvcr100
not, but what happens if i remove them from the list of libraries
i upload the build log again
i removed the -lmsvcrt and -lmsvcr100
but those errors
libwxmsw28u.a has a dependancy that you did not include, or you included in the wrong order. Look I know this is a PITA, but I can promise you that this is as frustrating as C/C++ gets. When you can understand this, you'll be set. Don't roll over on us OP, I'll chack back with you tomorrow.
but i use wxWidgets 2.9.5
and what is the dependency?
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