Poker game help - enumerated data type in c++

Could someone help me to put enumerated data type in c++ for a poker program (specially for color and cardtype)?

I can sent the hole program to your mail. Please help.

Here are some codes:


#include "cCard.h"

using namespace std;


cCard::cCard(colors clr, int vl)
color = clr;
value = vl;

colors cCard::getColor()
return color;

int cCard::getValue()
return value;

void cCard::print()
string temp;
temp += getColor();
switch ( getValue() )
case 0: temp+= "2 "; break;
case 1: temp+= "3 "; break;
case 2: temp+= "4 "; break;
case 3: temp+= "5 "; break;
case 4: temp+= "6 "; break;
case 5: temp+= "7 "; break;
case 6: temp+= "8 "; break;
case 7: temp+= "9 "; break;
case 8: temp+= "10 "; break;
case 9: temp+= "Kn "; break;
case 10: temp+= "Q "; break;
case 11: temp+= "K "; break;
case 12: temp+= "A "; break;

cout << temp;


#ifndef CCARD_H
#define CCARD_H

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

enum colors { HEARTS = 3, CLUBS, SPADES, DIAMONDS };

class cCard
colors color;
int value;
cCard(colors, int);
void print();
int getValue();
colors getColor();


and so on...
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