can't register to use Code::Blocks forum


I am a very new C++ student, and I was trying to get guidance on using the IDE called Code::Blocks. It talks about things like workspace and projects and I am very confused about it. I have been using a book by Ullman + Signer and I have gotten to the place where they are talking about friends. It's not very easy but I've been hanging on. A big problem for me is using Code::Blocks because there's no manual for beginners. So I tried to register for their forum, but I can't even get past the REGISTRATION part! One of the questions it asks is:

"What language Code::Blocks is designed for? (letter,2x sign):"

But I can't figure out how to answer this. I don't know what that "(letter,2x sign)" means!! Putting in "C++" (no quotes) kicks me out. And I can't ask about it in their forum because you've got to be registered to ask a question! I think this is catch-22 or something. Can anyone tell me what to do? Thanks in advance.

PS I've also tried to follow Bucky's tutorials and they're great. But very fast.

Just registered to see how it works. Quite an interesting anti-spam idea. What year is it? What language is Code::Blocks designed for? and Leave this blank lol Anyways...

Try c++ i.e. c is lower case.

Thank you very much! I'm in!

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