MAze programming ..need help

Design and write a program that:
1. Uses the given Windows graphics system.
2. Designs and draws a random maze on a 16 x 16 grid.
3. Solves the maze by calculating the number of steps required to reach all accessible squares.
4. Allows the user to use the computer mouse to move a robot through the maze.
5. Provides some buttons that the user can click on to operate the program to:
a) Start a new game.
b) Solve the maze.
c) Restart the existing game.
d) Exit the program.
using ccc_win.h.

here is my cde not working please anybody help.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "ccc_win.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// constants
const int MAZE_SIZE = 16;
// function prototypes
void CreateMaze(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE]);
void SolveMaze(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE]);
void RestartMaze(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE]);
void MoveRobot(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE], int &x, int &y, Point click);
void DrawWindow(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE], int x, int y);

class MazeSquare
bool leftWall, rightWall, bottomWall, topWall;
bool visited;
int steps;
MazeSquare() // constructor
void Initialise(void) // reinitialise a square for a new maze
leftWall = true; // create the maze square with all the walls
rightWall = true;
bottomWall = true;
topWall = true;
visited = false; // the robot has not visited the square yet
steps = 256; // greater than maximum possible number of steps

int ccc_win_main() // main function for a graphics program
Point p1(-8,-8),p2(8,8);
Rectangle MazeSquare (p1,p2);
PenColour blackPen = PenColour(0, 0, 0);
PenWidth pen5 = PenWidth(5);\
BrushColour blackBrush = BrushColour(0, 0, 0);

// draw a square (rectangle) that is transparent
cwin << pen5 << BrushColour() << MazeSquare; // using blackPen

/*MazeSquare maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE]; // maze design
int x = 0, y = 0; // robot position
bool exit = false; // flag to control end of program
// initialise the random number generator
srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL)));
/* initialise the window coordinates here */

/*CreateMaze(maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE]); // create a new maze
DrawWindow(maze); // draw the image in the GUI window
// get a mouse click
Point click = cwin.get_mouse("Click a button or move the robot");
// handle the different types of mouse clicks
if (/* new button is clicked) */
x = 0;
y = 0;
if (/* solve button is clicked )*/
if (/* restart button is clicked) */
x = 0;
y = 0;
if (/* exit button is clicked )*/
exit = true;
// handle robot moves
if (/* maze is clicked)*/
MoveRobot(maze, x, y);
} while (!exit);*/
return 0;

/*void CreateMaze(int maze[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE])


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