Pointers - Weird new values

I have the following code that is supposed to perform a pop operation on a minheap that contains TreeNode*'s. At the point that I am looking at the program through gdb, the values of heap[1]->left and heap[1]->right should be NULL. However, while popping this specific time, heap[1]'s values remain the same until right before,
min->right = heap[1]->right;
Then I cannot access any values and the program seg faults. Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?

Here's the code...

void MinHeap::pop(TreeNode *min)
TreeNode *LastE;

min->ascii = heap[1]->ascii;
min->frequency = heap[1]->frequency;
min->left = heap[1]->left;
min->right = heap[1]->right;
Unless it's something simple like you should be using [0] instead of [1], you probably need to post at least the whole MinHeap class and implementation. Some driver code with complete headers and all in one file would be nice too.
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Here is the whole heap.h file.

#ifndef HEAP_H
#define HEAP_H

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class MinHeap;
class TreeNode;

class TreeNode{
int ascii, frequency;
TreeNode *left, *right;

int getAscii(){
return ascii;
int getFrequency(){
return frequency;
//cout << "constructor called" << endl;
ascii = 0;
frequency = 0;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
//cout << "end constructor" << endl;
TreeNode(TreeNode *leftNode, TreeNode *rightNode, int freq){
left = leftNode;
right = rightNode;
frequency = freq;
ascii = 0;
~TreeNode(){cout << "called" << endl;}

class MinHeap{
int capacity;
int heapSize;
TreeNode **heap;
MinHeap(int numCharacters){
capacity = numCharacters + 1;
heapSize = 0;
heap = new TreeNode* [capacity + 2];
for(int i = 0; i < capacity + 2; i++)
heap[i] = new TreeNode(NULL, NULL, 0);
delete [] heap;
void insert(int asciiVal, int freq, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right);
void pop(TreeNode *min);
int getHeapSize(){
return heapSize;


Here is the function in main.cpp where I'm calling the pop

void huffman(MinHeap &freqHeap)
TreeNode *first, *second, *bt;

int size = freqHeap.getHeapSize();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
freqHeap.pop(second); <---Crashes on this pop
bt->left = second;
bt->right = first;
bt->frequency = (first->frequency + second->frequency);

freqHeap.insert(bt->ascii, bt->frequency, bt->left, bt->right);

Here is the pop and the functions that pop calls:

void MinHeap::pop(TreeNode *min)
TreeNode *LastE;

min->ascii = heap[1]->ascii;
min->frequency = heap[1]->frequency;
min->left = heap[1]->left;
min->right = heap[1]->right;

LastE->ascii = heap[heapSize]->ascii;
LastE->frequency = heap[heapSize]->frequency;
LastE->left = heap[heapSize]->left;
LastE->right = heap[heapSize]->right;

heap[heapSize+1]->ascii = 0;
heap[heapSize+1]->frequency = 0;
heap[heapSize+1]->left = NULL;
heap[heapSize+1]->right = NULL;

int currentNode = 1;
int child = 2;

while(child <= heapSize)
if(child < heapSize && heap[child]->frequency >= heap[child + 1]->frequency)
if((heap[child]->frequency == heap[child + 1]->frequency) && (minAscii(heap[child]) > minAscii(heap[child + 1])))
else if(heap[child]->frequency > heap[child + 1]->frequency)

if(LastE->frequency <= heap[child]->frequency)

heap[currentNode]->ascii = heap[child]->ascii;
heap[currentNode]->frequency = heap[child]->frequency;
heap[currentNode]->left = heap[child]->left;
heap[currentNode]->right = heap[child]->right;

currentNode = child;
child *= 2;
heap[currentNode]->ascii = LastE->ascii;
heap[currentNode]->frequency = LastE->frequency;
heap[currentNode]->left = LastE->left;
heap[currentNode]->right = LastE->right;

int minAscii(TreeNode *node)
int min = 400;

DFS(node, min);

return min;

void DFS(TreeNode *node, int &min)
if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL && node->ascii < min)
min = node->ascii;
if(node->left != NULL)
DFS(node->left, min);
if(node->right != NULL)
DFS(node->right, min);

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