Help about the linklist read polynomial

How to modify the void addterm and add polynomial...


#include "linkedListType.h"

class term
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& osObject, term& t);

double coef;
int exp;

coef = 0;
exp =0;}

term(double c, int e){
coef =c;
exp =e;}


void setCoef(double c){coef = c;}
void setExp(int e){exp = e;}
// double getCoef(){return coef;}
// int getExp(){return exp;}

term(const term& other){
coef =other.coef;
exp = other.exp;}

// precondition: exp == other.exp
// the operation for *this + other

term operator+ (const term& other){
term add;
add.coef = coef + other.coef;
add.exp = other.exp;
return add;

// precondition: exp == other.exp
// operation for *this - other

term operator- (const term& other){
term sub;
sub.coef = coef + other.coef;
sub.exp = other.exp;
return sub;

bool operator!= (const term& other){
if(exp != other.exp)
return true;
return false;

bool operator== (const term& other){
if (exp = other.exp)
return true;
return false;

//print a term
void print(){
cout<<coef<<" x^ "<<exp;


ostream& operator<<(ostream& osObject, term& t)
osObject << "(" << t.coef << ", " << t.exp << ") ";
return osObject;


class polynomial
linkedListType<term> *poly;

polynomial(){ //default constructor
poly = NULL;


polynomial(const polynomial &other){ //copy constructor
poly = other.poly;


const polynomial& operator= (const polynomial& other){
if(this != &other)
return *this;

//append a term to the polynomial

void addTerm(term item){


//print the polynomial
void print(){
cout<< endl;

cout<<" + ";

//return a new polynomial that is equal to *this + other
//the contents of this and other should not be modified
polynomial& add(polynomial& other){

return *this;


//return a new polynomial that is equal to *this - other
//the contents of this and other should not be modified
polynomial& sub(polynomial& other){

return *this;


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