
A divisor, also called a factor, of a number is a number which divides that number completely (such that
there is no remainder). You are required to write a program that finds the number (in the given range)
which has maximum number of divisors. The program first asks the user to input two values P and Q for
a range (where p < Q). After that, the program should find a number having highest number of divisors.
In the end, the program should print that numbers (having highest number of divisors) along its div isor
Sample Inputs:
Enter first number (P): 1
Enter second number (Q): 10
Sample Output:
6 has maximum of 4 divisors.
please anyone tell me about this prorame,
If a project is overwhelming... just break it into smaller steps and do each step one at a time.

Start by making a program that prints "Enter first number (P): "

Once you have that, then get input from the user and put it in a variable named P

Then print "Enter second number (Q): "

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