data member was not declared in this scope

Definitely the oddest error I've encountered in my brief time of coding, the compiler says that these integer values aren't declared in this scope after reading through a few pages full of code using those same variables. The cpp file connects to a header where all of the variables are declared and it reads them just fine, then on the last function says that the SAME variables it's been reading for the past 400 lines aren't declared.

Here it is on Github:

The error's are after line 399 in jpw8c3.cpp they say
400 error: 'eeva' was not declared in this scope
400 error: 'cacc' was not declared in this scope
402 error: 'mobName' was not declared in this scope
407 error: 'eatt' was not declared in this scope
407 error: 'cdef' was not declared in this scope
408 error: 'mobName' was not declared in this scope
Line 398:

int mobAttack() should be int Functions::mobAttack() maybe?
Wow, it's always the simplest thing, thank you for pointing that out.
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