Can we delete a line in cosole windown?

I'm newbie, so there are manything i don't known.

To clean screen we can use:
clrscr(); // In Borland C
system("cls"); // With Visual C++

To delete a current line in Borland C, we can use:

So how to delete a line in VC++?

Thanks for ur help!
Take a stroll through the Windows Console Functions

I haven't looked, but I suspect that you will have to copy everything below the line in the console screen buffer up one line, and blank the bottom line.

See for an example of playing with the console buffer. (Sorry, this just clears it, but its the best example I can give you ATM. Perhaps someone will have a better one.)

Good luck!

BTW, that's all Windows-specific. If you want to do fullscreen console stuff, check out the Curses library:
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