"Payroll" code

Here's the assignment

Write a program that uses the following arrays:
- empID: an array of seven long integers to hold employee identification numbers.
- hours: an array of seven integers to hold the number of hours worked bu each employee.
- payRate: an array of seven doubles to hold each employee's hourly pay rate.
- wages: an array of seven doubles to hold each employee's gross wage.
The program should relate the data in each array through the subscripts. For example, the number in element 0 of the hours array should be the number of hours worked by the employee whose identification number is stored in the element 0 of the empID array. That same employee's pay rate should be stored in element 0 of the payRate array.
The program should display each employee number and ask the user to enter that employee's hours and pay rate. It should then calculate the gross wages for that employee (hours x pay rate)and store them in the wages array. After the data has been entered for all the employees, the program should display each employee's identification number and gross wages.
Input validation: Do not accept negative values for hours or numbers less than 6.00 for pay rate.

Then my professor asked us to use
void getEmployeeInfo(long [], int [], double [], double [], int);
void displayWages(long [], double [], int);

so far this is what I've got! Please tell me what I'm doing wrong :/


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void getEmployeeInfo(long [], int [], double [], double [], int);
void displayWages(long [], double [], int);

int main()
const int size = 7;
long empId[size] = {5658845, 4520125, 7895122, 8777541,
8451277, 1302850, 7580489};
int hours[size];
double payRate[size];
double wages[size];

system ("pause");
return 0;

void getWages(long empId[], int hours[], double payRate[], double wages[], int size[]);

for (int index = 0; index <= size; index++)

cout << "Employee number: "<<empId[index] << endl;
cout << "Number of hours worked: ";
cin >> hours[index];

while (hours[index] < 0)
cout << "Error: Please enter a positive number." << endl;
cout << "Number of hours worked: ";
cin >> hours[index];

cout << "Employee pay rate: ";
cin>> payRate[index];
cout << endl;

wages[index] = hours[index] * payRate[index];
cout << "Employee # " << (index + 1);
cout << ": earned $ " << wages << endl << endl;
for (int index = 0; index <= size; index++)

should be:

for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)


for (int index = 0; index <= (size - 1); index++)


for (int index = 0; index <= 6; index++)

And you while loop doesn't have a closing bracket. If you put while loop for negative number, then you should be consistent by adding another while loop for your payrate.
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