What is a module?

Is a module basically a static class where everything is public (or a static struct)?
Modules were a proposal to C++11 that didn't make it (and probably won't ever make it, unfortunately).
ahh, I'm more just trying to understand the concept of a module in general.

Can you do static structs in C++ and what would be the difference between a static struct and a module if any?
At this point I am completely bewildered. I know there is a general "module" concept, but I don't know what you mean by "static struct" or how it would have anything to do with modules.
That is part of my confusion also, I'm not sure if the words / terms I'm using are universal or defined differently in the various programming languages.

My concept (which could be completely wrong which is why I made this thread) of what a static struct would be is a struct whose address in memory remains the same and defined throughout the entire lifetime of a program.

The description of a module I've found sounded kind of like what my concept of a static struct would be.

Hence the threads title. What is a module?

I'm looking to clear up what misconceptions I have about modules.
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I don't see how the "modules" that were originally proposed for C++11 have anything to do with structs...
Thanks for the link long double main.

I think this link from that reference will answer most of my questions.

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