yargato gnu toolchain, cant get it to work


I'm trying to do an (x), (y) plotter project using the parts from an Epson Printer.
It has two 40 volt DC motors which move the (x) and (y) respectively.
The (x) carriage is controlled by a linear optical quadrature which outputs a square wave of 3.5 volt hi and 0 low
with a resolution of approx 3600 in a length of 310 mm which could create an accuracy of approx 1/10th mm.
The (y) carriage is controlled by a circular optical quadrature of 60 mm diameter and similar resolution and output signal as the (x).

I started experimenting with the linear carriage first using GPIO edge detect in a python program in an attempt to count the output signal,
but found the signal was too fast for the program to count accurately, it counted approx one tenth of the signal and was very inaccurate.
So I then used a dc controller to slow down the motor, with the carriage moving at a snails pace,I could count approx, 80 % of the count but very inaccurate.
After a lot of experimenting I finally managed to create a python program Using the two relays on a Piface board wired as an H bridge and an input--, step,
direction, speed, it worked to a fashion but was no where near accurate enough.

I decided to abandon the high level path and take to the low level assembly path. I had done a bit of 6502 assembly using the BBC micro and VIA controller
also Z80 assembly language on a spectrum years ago ,(Im showing my age now). I baught a book "Raspberry pi assembly language RASPBIAN" by Bruce Smith.
I think I can get to grips with the acctual assemble source code part, but found using the GPIO pins on the pi was another kettle of fish lol.
I was dissapointed to find you can assemble your source code but cant used it directly to control the GPIO, the system does not let you it stops you using
the gpio directly to protect the multitascing system????.
It can be done throu lib calls and virtual gpio which i found very complicated or, creating your own kernel image Operating system,
which i find even more complicated.Bruce Smith states in his book "As you go through the book you will find yourself pulling your hair out in frustration
and you will swaer that it's the book thats wrong and not you". Then he states "By the way I am totally bald". lol.

I found the Cambridge University "Baking Pi", it looked good --- how to create a kernel image operating system on an 8 gb SD card, to control the GPIO on a
Raspberry pi.

Wow Wow just what I was looking for, lol how wrong could a guy be.
lesson one looks very stright forward until you try to create the kernel image in windows 7.
I created the source code -- main.s, downloaded the template and placed it in a dir called "template", then in the template dir there is a dir called
"source" where you but your main.s code. there is a dir called "build" , a kernel.ld , a Makefile, and licence.
I have downloaded the yargato gnu toolchain, cant get it to work.
can anyone help on this subject. please, please.
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