Arbitrary precision inverse matrices

I am looking for software that I can use to calculate the inverse of a matrix to arbitrary precision.

For the past few days I've been searching using Google and I've looked at various entries on Wikipedia. However, as yet, I've had no luck.

If any of you know what software I could use to do this, then would you please let me know.

The GNU MP Bignum library is a good choice.
Thanks, I'll take a look at it again. I was hoping to find a library file that I could use as a black box, that I could input a matrix to and get the inverse matrix out of it, which has been calculated to a very high precision.

I'll certainly have another look in case I missed something.
I'm sure there are matrix libraries out there... I just don't know them...

It isn't too hard to calculate the inverse yourself. The Bignum library is just to handle arbitrary-precision numbers.
I'll take a look for them. In the meantime I am having some difficulty installing 'arbitrary precision' software that is written in C++, software that is a recent version of Mpfun.

You said that it isn't too hard to calculate the inverse myself. I've been using an SVD routine that was written here where I work, but it seems that we need higher precision in the calculations. They'd asked me to look for the black box already mentioned, but it may come down to me tweaking the code that we already have.

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