Hey so im making a text based rpg for school and im having troubles with it

i need to add an inventory into my game and im not to sure as to where or how..

this is what i got for player

#ifndef PLAYER_H
#define PLAYER_H
//console Util.h includes <iostream> , <string> and <window.h> and defines
//the NOMINMAX macro. As a result of including ConsoleUtil.h, PLayer will
// also knaow about thoes objects.
#include "ConsoleUtil.h"

class Player


enum Items { knife,red_key,bunch_of_keys };
string name_;
unsigned short int age_;
bool isPlaying_;
string current_location_;

std::string name;
// All properties and methods below the 'public:' declaration will be declared as public.
Player(); // This is the (explicit) default constructor for the player object.
~Player(); // Destructor for the player object.

// Accessors / Getters
// These methods are so syntactically/logically simple that we also include
// the function definiation of tAccessors/Getters within the class declaration.

inline string getName() const{ return name_; }
inline unsigned short int getAge() const{ return age_; }
inline bool isPlaying() const{ return isPlaying_; }
inline const string& getCurrentLocation() const{ return current_location_; }

// Mutators/Setters

inline void setName(const string &newValue);
inline void setAge(unsigned short int newValue);
inline void isPlaying(bool newValue);
inline void setCurrentLocation(const string &newValue);

// All properties and methods below the 'private:' declaration will be declared as private.
// An underscore character '_' is post-fixed to the variable name to denote it is marked as
// private.

const char *items_str[];
void Player::setName(const string &newValue)
name_ = newValue;
// unsigned short int is a built-in datatype so we'll pass by value.
void Player::setAge(unsigned short int newValue)
age_ = newValue;
// bool is a built-in datatype so we'll pass by value.
void Player::isPlaying(bool newValue)
isPlaying_ = newValue;

void Player::setCurrentLocation(const string &newValue)
current_location_ = newValue;

Can you please edit your post and use the code format tags around your code.
Shouldn't an inventory be separate from the player ?
If I were you I would create another header-file INVENTORY_H
and work from there on. Then you would just call upon it in your
PLAYER_H file.
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