Security vulnerability question

My professor at college stated that it is important to always initialize a function type because if you don't it creates a security vulnerability. He said that it is better to initialize it as zero and then let the programmer/user manipulate that value later on.

So my question is: Why is this a security vulnerability within the program?

Here was the example:

int x;

int x = 0;
It is not a security vulnerability. At least directly.
However it is a good idea to initialize variables at the time of declaration or right after. This helps to avoid using uninitialized variable which could lead to vulnerability.
I see two possible scenarios here:

A). (The most likely): Your professor is fear-mongering or exaggerating to instill the practice of correctly initializing your variables.

B) (Far FAR less likely): Your professor may be referring to a certain type of read after deletion exploit which requires a half dozen other things to line up just right (not to mention the use of a debugger) in order to be viable. Not that I question your instructors ability you understand, it would just be a very odd and specific thing to mention in what appears to be an introduction to programming class.
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By security he probably meant that it could cause an error. It is VERY unlikely that anyone would use that to mess with your program.
Thank you guys for your input and wisdom.
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