What do you think of the CodinGame's online IDE?

We've just launched our new version of www.CodinGame.com and we are now looking for feedback to make it much more fun for everyone, so if you are interested in giving us your opinion and ways of improvements, you are more than welcome to comment :)

Thanks in advance!
Wow, this is really advanced.

What languages did you develop the website in? Also what compiler backend does it use for C++?
Very cool!
The site looks really impressive.

I tried the training, but didn't understand what I was expected to do. I think and example of what to do would really help me.
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I've only tried the Clojure training so far and I'd just like
to point out that the sample code could be more idiomatic:

(defn -main [& args]
  (while true
    (let [count (read) ; count: The number of current enemy ships within range
          enemy-info (for [_ (range count)] {:enemy (read) :dist (read)})]
                                            ; enemy: The name of this enemy
                                            ; dist: The distance to your cannon of this enemy
      ; (binding [*out* *err*]
      ;   (println "Debug messages..."))
      ; The name of the most threatening enemy (HotDroid is just one example)
      (println "HotDroid"))))
      ;(println (->> enemy-info (sort-by :dist) first :enemy))))) ;solution
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@Kisando: Thank you very much, actually, all the information is on the FAQ: http://www.codingame.com/faq
"Your program is compiled and run in a Linux environment on a 64bit multi-core architecture. Time limit per turn is specified on the game’s statement. You can find there the list of compilers/runtimes associated with each programming language" :)

@kbw: Actually in the training, just above the video there is the explanation of what you are supposed to do: "With each game turn, provide the name of the closest ship to destroy it and you're sure to win".

@m4ster r0shi: Thank you very much for your feedback, I'll share this with my teammates, so they can optimize it :)

I hope it is helpful and thank you very much for your kind feedback, we really appreciate!
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