Android development in C++

I want to start developing Android apps in C++, but I do not know what I could use to compile the source code into an apk. I know that C++ is probably not the best choice for Android development, but I already know it and I do not want to learn Java. Can anyone give any suggestions? P.S. I am a teen kid without a job, and I want to avoid anything that costs money.
It is a bit of a pain, to use the NDK you have to create a Java project that references your compiled C++ library. I think it might provide a basic Java project that links to a C library for you that handles and the events and such for you. Either way there has to be some Java involved.

There is a whole bunch of documentation and samples for the ndk.
Would it just be easier to learn Java than use C++? If I have to, I will do it, but I prefer to use C++ then learn another language. And thank you for the help.
If I have to, I will do it, but I prefer to use C++ then learn another language

You wouldn't use a hammer to put a screw into a wall. Use the best tools for the job.

It doesn't hurt to know more than one language. plus it'll look nice on your cv :)

And it's certainly a LOT easier to pick up java coming from c++ than the other way around, in my opinion.
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