Need help on this question ASAP please!!!

A simulation program can be used to model a system for testing purposes. One application of a system simulation is to determine the impact of component failure. Components can be connected in series or parallel. System reliability can be calculated using formulae (analytic reliability) or via computer simulation (simulated reliability).

The system reliability for the Series design is calculated by multiplying the reliability value of each component.
The system reliability, R, for the Parallel design can be determined by the following formula, where ri is the reliability value for each component:

𝑅=_1_−Π(_1_−𝑟𝑖)_𝑛𝑖=_0_ _

Given the value for the reliability for the components, you can calculate the reliability of the system (analytic reliability). You can also estimate the reliability using a simulation (simulated reliability). To estimate the system reliability using a simulation, the software will simulate multiple operations of the system and increment a counter each time the system is functional. As another example, if the system is a coin toss, the software would simulate multiple coin tosses and count the number of heads and number of tails to calculate the simulated odds of tossing a head or tail. A random number generator is used to determine the value of the coin toss for each simulated flip of the coin. In the example of this system of components, a random number generator will be used to determine if the individual component is working. When the state of the individual components is known (working or not working), logic will be used to determine if the entire system is functioning. In the case of this system, component 1 must be working and either of component 2 or component 3 must be working in order for the entire system to work. Be mindful of the functions you are required to create, described below.
Create a C++ program that will prompt the user for the reliability of each of 3 components in the system.

If Component 1 has a reliability of 0.80, Component 2 has a reliability of 0.85 and Component 3 has a reliability of 0.95 then the analytic reliability of this system is 0.794.

Prompt the user for the reliability values for each of the 3 components, and the number of simulations to perform.

Calculate the analytic reliability and output the individual component reliability values and the overall analytic reliability of the system.

Calculate the simulated reliability of the system using the following techniques:

Create a function called isComponentWorking that accepts the reliability value of a component as a parameter and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the component is working. To simulate the success or failure of a component, use a random number generator to generate a number between 0 and 1 and test this against the reliability value to determine if the component is working. Call the isComponentWorking function for each component of the system to calculate the system state.

Create a function called isParallelWorking that accepts 2 Boolean parameters, each value representing the state of a component (working or not working). This function will return a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the Parallel system is working. Call the isParallelWorking function as part of the solution to determine the state of the entire system.

Calculate the simulated reliability of the system, given the number of iterations input by the user, and output the results to the console.
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