[how]Getting thumbnails(with large Icons) of Folder not file.

Hello frnds.

i am searching an API that can give me thumbnail(with large Icons) of all folders of all drive in Windows 7.

How i can get associate thumbnail(with large Icons) of each folders of any of the drive.
Please Help.
Thank you.

Thank you Duoas .

i found it ....but as i mentioned i am searching for Window 7 not for Windows 8.

Any code or API you know ..please provide me.
Thanks again.
Ack! Sorry, I missed that.

You need to interface with IThumbnailProvider. (We're talking OLE here.)
Fortunately, someone has already done that for you.

Good luck!
That's my blog (codemonkeycodes.com) that got linked to. I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
Frankly .. I did not understand your blog.
How i can use it in Qt ?
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