how to make "std_lib_facilities.h" work Programming principles and practice using C++, Stroustroup

I saw there are lots of people having difficulties getting "std_lib_facilities" header to work.I myself spent "some" time trying to figure it out.
And I finally succeeded on getting this header file to work in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.I just noticed there are 2 "std_lib_facilities" header files on Stroustroup's website.
The one that works on Visual Studio 2005 is this

(the one that was revised only in April 25, 2010)
And I just put the file in the include folder and when I write the code I
write #include "std_lib_facilities.h"
I think it's better than putting the header file in other folder in which case you need to write #include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
This file might work in M.V.Studio 2008 too.

The other "std_lib_facilities" header file at the below link

(Revised June 8 2014) is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and newer versions.

If someone succeeds in getting this header file to work for Visual Studio 2010 or newer versions please reply here, because it didn't work for me.

It's easiest to get working if before doing anything, you create the header file by going to the Solution Explorer and right clicking on Header Files --> Add... --> Name it --> copy and paste the code from Bjarne's header into your header --> #include it in your source file.

I wouldn't use std_lib_facilities, personally. There are some pieces of code in there that don't even work, or at least they didn't when I remember using it. It was riddled with errors.
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