Linking to boost filesystem in code::blocks

Ok I have been trying everything for the last 8 hours, so time to ask for help. I have already built the boost libraries with b2 toolset=gcc, which built the .a files in stage/lib. Now I am in code blocks and want to link a boost library STATICALLY and I can't figure it out.

can anyone give me STEP by STEP instruction on how to link the boost filesystem library statically. With no confusion please?
I'm going to guess that you also did the PATH= and bootstrap.bat thing...

I'm not sure if this is considered the non-static way, but its how I did it.

Well anyways, in codeblocks super outdated boost wiki page, they put a global variable for boost like this:

Then you put the the filesystem .a thing in the 'build options/linker settings/Link libraries', I recommend the "-d-" because its for debugging.

Also in 'build options/ search directories/ compiler' put "C:\boost_1_57_0".
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