minGW Segment Fault question

hi, using minGW 4.7.1 and getting a Segment Fault on exit from application. The fault occurs on a destructor of my main data structure. I find that when I add a single integer variable at the end of the structure, the fault goes away. So I suspect a memory alignment issue. I have been trying a lot of flags and -m options, but so far, nothing fixes it like simply adding the integer variable does.
Does anyone have any suggested flags or compile options to perhaps help in resolving this kind of error ?
I should mention I am running Windows 7 Enterprise 64 Bit, with Codeblocks.
Thanks in advance, Tom
It'd help if we could see the code in question. It's unlikely that any specific compilation flags will fix your problem.

There's another reason the integer could help: if you're accidentally reading/writing past the outside of your data structure with a pointer or some such.

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