RE: A few questions..

some months back i created the following topic here on cplusplus

i am back because now the amazon echo exists... yay kinda

i have several more ideas and much to offer but no programming skill.
im hopeful that the right person saw my post before it was removed from my lists for some reason and that in some way i helped the echo exist. i still think mnemonic would have been a better name. heh
i know my ego is big and i likely had nothing to do with it but if their are listening ears out their my message to you is i am just getting started.

<insert plug here> google KODI - XBMC
several ideas around kodi including MirrorKast

i have allowed private messages, plz believe in me... i am independent but much closer to democrat than republican but i see the need for all views and remain open minded at all times.

~Ryan Arlo

release date says November but i swear i never heard of it or couldn't find it anywhere until January... (but i am sure it was released when they say xD)
i was so close to gettin something going it seems ;(
mostly i am just happy that people are finally making use of the technology we have not realized its full potential in... with that in mind i have at least one more guaranteed game changer.. wireless bluetooth dongle with analog negative and positive connections. very small and compact. to make any standard speaker a bluetooth speaker.. so many more ideas really mostly gold... someone plz help i need a career i have not had a job even in 2 years and i'm 31 tomorrow and run on sentences rock and money = air and it's gettin hard to breathe here..
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