learning c++ today?

hello guys i'm new in this group and i'm learning c++ programming .. but just confusing if should i continue it or not because i have read some articles on the internet that learning c++ today is not useful that i should be learning like python which they recommend most to learn for starting in programming.. so please do give me an advice ?? and any help would be very helpful

thanks in advance...
You read in some articles that learning c++ is not useful? I guess it makes sense. Why would the most powerful programming language in existence be useful in this day and age?

All jokes aside. C++ is a bit more complicated to get into. Many recommend python to start off with because it is just simply easier than c++. But I myself started off with c++ and its been going pretty well, it sure is hard but if you work hard you'll get results.

P.s. Im not very well informed in this type of discussion and I hope someone could fill in some blanks.
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yeah because they almost say that its hard to program in c++ unlike for example in python which you can create a GUI applications in just a few syntax.. which is the GUI library is already included in the language unlike in c++..
I'm learning C++ right now in my Computer Science class in college. I'm finding it easy, so far as long as I do the reading and pay attention to my class.
C++ is the first language I am learning and I have been at it for about 6 months now. I love it. It is hard compared to other languages but it is very transferable. look at beginning c++ through game programming. It was a pretty easy and straight forward to read but had all the essentials and really worth while for some one new to c++
From my experience the biggest failure while learning C++ is to give up.
don't give up however hard it is, once you master it you'll be able to do what ever you want.
unlike other languages which have limitations, and it's probably best to spend your time to learn C++.
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