c++ with databases like mysql/sqlite3

Hi Friends,
Pls Kindly Help me.

Thanks in Advance.

When i tried to Connect c++ with databases like mysql/sqlite3.

http://www.alhem.net/sql_cpp_tutorial/tut_3.html ---> This Link Which Contain a small Programs

(http://www.alhem.net/project/mysql/) --->This link is for mysql with c++

Win32 -> It requires following "libmysqlwrapped.h". I tried the following steps and got and when i insert this "libmysqlwrapped.h" in the turboc include folder and when i tried to compile the program. The Compiler says it is unable to open include file "libmysqlwrapped.h".but i don't know why the compiler did not take my header files. Now i am using turboc and i am using windows xp.

copy IError.h+StderrLog.h+SysLog.h+enum_t.h+set_t.h+Database.h+Query.h libmysqlwrapped.h

The same thing is happening in sqlite3 with c++



copy IError.h+StderrLog.h+SysLog.h+Database.h+Query.h libsqlitewrapped.h
There are many other good c++ compilers
Better you switch to a new compiler rather than using the good old TurboC and check if it happens.
If you want to use sqlite3, download the amalgamated source from the sqlite website, and include the .c/.h files. It's simple and it works.
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