I'm new to this website, so I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this topic.

I would really really like to SFML based game. Taking inspiration for The Binding Of Isaac, but in a more Diablo kind of way.

The problem is, I have a decent knowledge of C++ ... But not SFML.

I was hoping some of you more smart people could point me in the right directions and help me learn how to create a game such as this.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance
- Kieran
Did you look at the tutorials on SFML site?
I have, but I'm not one to learn from reading if I'm honest, I've given it a go, and I've also watched youtube videos (but I just can't listen to people like CodingMadeEasy, just a boring tone to their voice, doesn't engage me) I just love to learn by doing, just slapping together the code and figuring out what it does myself, and if I can't THEN I google it.
In this case I can only suggest to open tutorial, skim it, take example code, and play with it. Window/Graphics tutorials is what you need. I suggest to look at EVENTS and 2D stuff first.
Okay, Thank you, I will try that :)
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