Is it possible to do this?

closed account (38qG1hU5)
Would it be possible to make a program that when run opens up a program, copy's data, transfers the data, then closes itself.

Example ---------
I want to see how many points Jen has on a game(She wont tell me). Could I make a program to find and send me that data?
Locally, or across multiple computers? Because for local, all you need is ifstream and ofstream. Any more than that, you're on your own buddy.
closed account (38qG1hU5)
@YFGHNG but how would I have the program find the data in another program and send it?
It depends on how the program your trying to steal data from stores it.

If it's stored in a log file, text file, it should be pretty easy for you to find the file just by searching.

If it's in Binary, then you need to research hex editing, to find the data you want and where it's stored so that you can gather it with another program.
There already exist programs that let you see the entire screen of the victim. Clearly you don't care to respect their privacy.
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