Console Play a sound - best method??

Hey all,

For an assignment in a module of my degree, I need to write a console application MIDI sequencer. What would be the best method for creating a sound?

Although I've done a lot of VBA and programming, I'm new to C++..

I was looking at Beep function which would be nice and simple but I've also seen the following Sound function (
This looks perfect as it gives so much more scope for the program but as i'm new to C++ i don't know how much of the code is superfluous or is it all needed to create and run the function?

I also saw the Sound and Delay functions ( but cannot get it too work as the complier says Sound and Delay are undefined, even using #include <dos.h>

I can get Beep to work but thought there might be a better method and one with moe versatility..


The first link you provide is literally ten years old and the guy in the second post is what we call a "complete idiot". Playing sound is a platform specific operation, even though we can infer that you are using Windows I would still suggest that you use a third party library for this anyway. I suggest SFML:
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